Wednesday 15 October 2014

Harvest Time? Ants and Grasshoppers Luke 12

But what if it really said....

If you are nor dancing,
If you are not singing God's praises;
You are not really living at all.

So don't be fooled by the "wise"

  • Your purpose is not "to survive".
  • Your purpose is not "to be self sufficient"
  • Your purpose is not "to leave a legacy".
  • Your purpose is "to seek His Kingdom" Luke 12:21

How will you "seek His Kingdom"?

Some have rejected the received wisdom of the time in which they lived and determined to make things better.

This celebration of those who fought fascism in Spain reads "Better to die on your feet than to live forever on your knees." 

Robert Owen set up a new community at New Lanark to allow mill workers to escape the "dark satanic mills" that seemed essential for wealth creation. 

People can make things better if they seek the Kingdom of God - by which I mean - wherever God has his way and everything comes right.

Amen and Alleluia!
Look around you wherever you are and see what you can say "Amen!" to. Amen as in "I agree, I recognize that as being in harmony with God's kingdom, Lets have more or that!"
Look around and notice, really notice, anything that you cannot say "Amen " to, Its not in harmony with God's kingdom. Then ask what you can do to change it - and do something.
And when you see the Kingdom of God coming, as Jesus taught us always to pray, then say, shout, sing out "Alleluia!" as a witness to God's glory in that place.

If you are nor dancing,
If you are not singing God's praises;
You are not really living at all.

And when Jesus says "Seek his kingdom and these things will be given you as well", He means it.

Look out for the Amen and Alleluia this week.

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